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New International

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The Well Bookstore is open for in-person shopping Tuesday thru Thursday 9am-2pm and Sunday from 8:30am-12:45pm (curbside pickup not available). All orders placed online or over the phone after noon on Thursdays will not be processed until the following Tuesday.

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible-NIV: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible-NIV: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture

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Discover new dimensions of insight with a behind-the-scenes tour of the ancient world

You've heard many Bible stories hundreds of times, but how many details are you missing? Sometimes a little context is all you need to discover the rich meaning behind even the most familiar stories of Scripture. That's what the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible provides. Every page of this NIV Bible is packed with expert insight into the customs, culture, and literature of biblical times. These fascinating explanations will serve to clarify your study of the Scriptures, reinforcing your confidence and bringing difficult passages of Scripture into sharp focus.

The Bible was originally written to an ancient people removed from us by thousands of years and thousands of miles. The Scriptures include subtle culturally based nuances, undertones, and references to ancient events, literature and customs that were intuitively understood by those who first heard the texts read. For us to truly understand the Scriptures as they did, we need a window into their world and language.

The NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, with notes from Dr. John H. Walton (Wheaton College) in the Old Testament and Dr. Craig S. Keener (Asbury Theological Seminary) in the New Testament, brings the ancient world of Scripture to life for modern readers.


  • Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • 2017 ECPA Bible of the Year Recipient
  • Targeted book introductions explain the context in which each book of the Bible was written
  • Insightful and informative verse-by-verse study notes reveal new dimensions of insight to even the most familiar passages
  • Key Old Testament (Hebrew) and New Testament terms are explained and expanded upon in two helpful reference features
  • Over 300 in-depth articles on key contextual topics
  • 375 full-color photos, illustrations, and images from around the world
  • Dozens of charts, maps, and diagrams in vivid color
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Cross references, a concordance, indexes and other helps for Bible study
  • 8.9-point type size
  • NIV Life Application Study Bible Hardcover Third Edition Red Letter

    NIV Life Application Study Bible Hardcover Third Edition Red Letter

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    Trusted & Treasured by Millions of Readers over 30 years, the Life Application(R) Study Bible Is Today's #1-Selling Study Bible

    Now it has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God's Word to everyday life in today's world.

    Discover How You Can Apply the Bible to Your Life Today

    With a fresh two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God's Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you may have and provides you practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.

    Study the stories and teachings of the Bible with verse-by-verse commentary. Gain wisdom from people in the Bible by exploring their accomplishments and learning from their mistakes. Survey the big picture of each book through overviews, vital statistics, outlines, and timelines, and grasp difficult concepts using in-text maps, charts, and diagrams--all to help you do life God's way, every day.

    Features: (Enhanced, updated, and with new content added throughout)
  • Now more than 10,000 Life Application(R) notes and features
  • Over 100 Life Application(R) profiles of key Bible people
  • Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
  • More than 500 maps & charts placed for quick reference
  • Dictionary/concordance
  • Extensive side-column cross-reference system to facilitate deeper study
  • Life Application(R) index to notes, charts, maps, and profiles
  • Refreshed design with a second color for visual clarity
  • 16 pages of full-color maps
  • Quality Smyth-sewn binding--durable, made for frequent use, and lays flat when open
  • Presentation page
  • Single-column format
  • Christian Worker's Resource, a special supplement to enhance the reader's ministry effectiveness
  • Full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • The words of Jesus are in red letter.

  • NIV Life Application Study Bible, Personal Size, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter Edition

    NIV Life Application Study Bible, Personal Size, Leathersoft, Brown, Red Letter Edition

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    Discover How You Can Apply the Bible to Your Life Today

    Study the stories and teachings of the Bible with verse-by-verse commentary. Gain wisdom from people in the Bible by exploring their accomplishments and learning from their mistakes. Survey the big picture of each book through overviews, vital statistics, outlines, and timelines, and grasp difficult concepts using in-text maps, charts, and diagrams.

    Impacting more than 20 million lives over 30 years, the Life Application(R) Study Bible is the #1-selling study Bible of our generation. Now, it has been thoroughly updated and expanded to be even more helpful and relevant for your life and today's world.

    With a fresh, new interior page design and comprehensively updated study notes and features, this personal size Bible will help you better understand God's Word and provide you with practical ways to apply it to your life every day. The Life Application Study Bible is a Bible for all times!


  • Enhanced, updated, and with new content added throughout
  • Full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • Over 10,000 Life Application notes and other features
  • Over 100 personality profiles
  • Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
  • In-text maps, charts, and diagrams
  • Dictionary/concordance
  • More than 500 maps and charts placed for quick reference
  • Extensive side-column cross-reference system to facilitate deeper study
  • Subject index to notes, charts, maps, and profiles
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Refreshed design with a second color for visual clarity
  • Christian Worker's Resource, a special supplement to enhance the reader's ministry effectiveness
  • 16 pages of full-color maps
  • Single-column format
  • Presentation page
  • Two ribbon markers
  • Personal size makes it easy to carry anywhere
  • Leathersoft cover lays flat when open
  • 7.3-point type size
  • NIV Quest Study Bible Comfort Print Hardback

    NIV Quest Study Bible Comfort Print Hardback

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    Answers to Thousands of Your Questions About the Bible

    One of the best ways to learn is to ask questions as you study. The NIV Quest Study Bible guides you in that endeavor with thousands of questions you want answers for, including the top 100 most-asked questions about the Bible. This Bible features over 7,000 notes written in an engaging question and answer format that give insight into the common, uncommon, and sometimes perplexing passages from the Bible.

    If you've ever read the Bible and found yourself asking, "Why did that happen?," "What does this verse mean?," or "How does this story impact my life today?," then the NIV Quest Study Bible is the ideal resource. Dive in to discover that you're not the only one with questions--and finally get the answers you've been looking for.

    The only question and answer Bible features exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.


  • Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • Over 7,000 insightful notes arranged in a unique question and answer format
  • Nearly 350 articles investigate the most asked questions about the Bible
  • Book introductions that answer questions about each book, such as "Who wrote it?," "Why?," and "What should I look for?"
  • Article index and expanded subject index
  • Single-column Scripture text arranged in a modern, two-color page design
  • Over 150 charts, timelines, and maps
  • A reading plan with three distinct tracks to follow
  • NIV Dictionary-Concordance
  • 16-page full-color map section
  • Satin ribbon marker
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
  • Print size: 9
  • The original Quest Study Bible was conceived in 1989 when two publishing companies, Zondervan and Christianity Today International, worked together to develop a Bible that would answer the challenging questions that arose as people read Scripture. Focus groups around the United States evaluated the usefulness of potential study Bible features and helped select the features that would be included in this Bible. Then, more than 1,000 people received passages of Scripture and were asked, "What questions do you have about this portion of the Bible?" Their responses helped determine what kinds of questions the notes would answer, helping to create a resource that answers the questions that real people have asked about the Bible. Notes have been updated in subsequent releases to ensure that this Bible stays relevant and current to modern readers.

    NIV Thinline Bible Bonded Leather Black Red Letter Comfort Print

    NIV Thinline Bible Bonded Leather Black Red Letter Comfort Print

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    Easy to Read. Easy to Carry.

    With an easy-to-read typeface and a slim size, the NIV Thinline Bible invites you to deeply explore God's Word anywhere and any time. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan's exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Measuring less than an inch thick, the NIV Thinline Bible is the perfect on-the-go Bible to take to church, your Bible study group, work, or travel.


  • Complete text of the readable, accurate and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • Less than one inch thick
  • Double-column format
  • Presentation page
  • Two satin ribbon markers
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Bonded leather cover lays flat when open
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
  • 9-point print size
  • Niv, Beautiful Word Bible, Updated Edition, Peel/Stick Bible Tabs, Cloth Over Board, Multi-Color Floral, Red Letter, Comfort Print: 600+ Full-Color Il

    Niv, Beautiful Word Bible, Updated Edition, Peel/Stick Bible Tabs, Cloth Over Board, Multi-Color Floral, Red Letter, Comfort Print: 600+ Full-Color Il

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    Be drawn into God's Word through a fresh, creative expression of Scripture.

    Featuring over 600 illustrated verses, the NIV Beautiful Word(TM) Bible, Updated Edition offers a unique visual treatment of Scripture for a more beautiful quiet time. Take a moment each day to breathe, reset, and engage with the hope and encouragement found in God's Word. The full-color artwork brings God's message to life, while the wide margins allow you room to express your feelings, fears, and prayers through words or pictures. If you wish, add the peel and stick Bible book tabs to make finding the individual books of the Bible easier.

    The NIV Beautiful Word Bible will help you to find even more beauty in the Word of God as you discover wisdom to sustain you in every season.

    This illustrated journaling Bible also features the exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.


  • Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • 600 full-color illustrated verses, including 100 new illustrations by Lindsay Letters, Jay & Kristi Smith, and Paige Firnberg
  • Peel and stick Bible book tabs
  • Wide margins and thicker, high-quality paper for notes, journal entries, or artwork
  • Single-column format
  • Index of illustrated Scripture passages by artist
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Satin ribbon marker
  • Cloth over board cover lies flat when open
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
  • Print size: 9.5
  • The NIV Beautiful Word Bible is the perfect way to take a few moments to seek encouragement and peace in God's Word. Spend a few moments of quiet time each day with Scripture - the illustrated verses will help you to discover (or rediscover) the beauty of the words, the hope in the message, and the love of the lord.

    Niv, Beautiful Word Coloring Bible and 8-Pencil Gift Set, Leathersoft, Brown: Hundreds of Verses to Color

    Niv, Beautiful Word Coloring Bible and 8-Pencil Gift Set, Leathersoft, Brown: Hundreds of Verses to Color

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    Everything You Need to Begin Your Bible Art Journey

    This gift set holds everything you need to creatively reflect on Scripture. With hundreds of inspiring verses illustrated in detailed, ready-to-color line art, the NIV Beautiful Word(TM) Coloring Bible employs the proven stress-relieving benefits of adult coloring to help quiet your soul so you can reflect on the precious truths of Scripture. Perfect for all ages, this unique journaling Bible is a wonderful way to spend time meditating on God's Word as you color in the Scripture art. The thick white paper with lightly ruled lines in the extra-wide margins also provides ample space for your own artistic expressions and journaling.

    This special Bible art set also includes eight colored pencils well-suited for Bible paper, making it a perfect gift that will become a cherished keepsake full of personalized, creative expressions of faith.


  • Full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • Hundreds of Bible verses illustrated in ready-to-color line art
  • Eight colored pencils
  • Thicker white paper for coloring and enduring note-taking
  • Lined, wide margins for notes, reflections and art
  • Beautifully designed printed page edges
  • Easy-to-read black letter text in single-column format
  • Ribbon marker
  • 8-point type size
  • Niv, Celebrate Recovery Study Bible, Paperback, Comfort Print ( Celebrate Recovery )

    Niv, Celebrate Recovery Study Bible, Paperback, Comfort Print ( Celebrate Recovery )

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    Find freedom from life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits.

    The NIV Celebrate Recovery Study Bible is a powerful and positive ally. This Bible is based on eight recovery principles found in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and on the underlying Christ-centered twelve steps of the proven Celebrate Recovery program. Now typeset in Zondervan's exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface, this Bible and all of its added content lifts you up and shows you how to walk, step by attainable step, on a path of healing and liberty.

    Based on the proven and successful Celebrate Recovery program developed by John Baker and Rick Warren, the NIV Celebrate Recovery Study Bible offers hope, encouragement, and, through developing a relationship with Jesus Christ, empowerment to rise above your struggles. Celebrate Recovery is a biblically based program that helps those who are struggling by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through the recovery process. The Celebrate Recovery program is offered in thousands of churches worldwide.


  • The full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) translation
  • Articles explain eight recovery principles and accompanying Christ-centered twelve steps
  • Over 110 lessons unpack eight recovery principles in practical terms
  • Recovery stories offer encouragement and hope
  • 30 days of recovery-related readings
  • Over 50 full-page biblical character studies are tied to stories from real-life people who have found peace and help with their own hurts, hang-ups, and habits
  • Book introductions
  • Side-column reference system keyed to Celebrate Recovery's eight recovery principles
  • Topical index
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
  • 9-point print size
  • "I'm excited you're beginning the journey to recovery. Your life will change. You'll experience freedom from your sinful habits, hang-ups, and hurts as you give up control and allow Jesus to be Lord in every area of your life." From the foreword by Dr. Rick Warren, senior pastor, Saddleback Church

    "Throughout the pages of Scripture, we see God's heart for celebrating recovery! This collection will help you experience and celebrate that journey, one step at a time. Jump in and see how recovery and spiritual growth are one and the same." Dr. Henry Cloud, Christian psychologist, author, and speaker

    NIV, Pocket Thinline, Bonded Leather, Black

    NIV, Pocket Thinline, Bonded Leather, Black

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    Dive into God's Word anywhere with the NIV Pocket Thinline Bible

    The NIV Pocket Thinline Bible is small enough to go anywhere, while still easy to read thanks to Zondervan's exclusive NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface. At less than one inch thick, this double-column pocket-size Bible fits easily into your purse, backpack, or pocket, making it an ideal edition to carry with you every day. Dive into God's Word during your commute, on a break, or anytime you need a moment of refreshment and inspiration.

    Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, the Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary English Bible translation.


  • Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • Less than one inch thick
  • Pocket-sized to take anywhere
  • Double-column format
  • Satin ribbon marker
  • Words of Jesus in red
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
  • 6-point print size
  • Niv, Teen Study Bible, Hardcover, Navy, Comfort Print

    Niv, Teen Study Bible, Hardcover, Navy, Comfort Print

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    The bestselling NIV Teen Study Bible helps teens apply God's Word to the issues they face every day!

    Full of study features that will help today's teen learn more about God, the Bible, and how God's Word relates to their lives, the NIV Teen Study Bible will help them keep in step with all God has done, is doing, and will do in the world. This NIV Bible for teens will help them discover the eternal truths of God's Word and apply them to the issues they face every day, including offering biblical advice about dealing with everything from friends, family, and school to problems such as bullying and depression. As teens navigate their hectic and sometimes stressful lives, this study Bible will help them to deepen and understand their faith while reassuring them that God is always with them and they are never alone.

    With over 4 million copies sold, the NIV Teen Study Bible continues to be a teen's top resource for discovering the foundational truths of the Bible. Now available in Zondervan's exclusive NIV Comfort Print(R) typeface for smooth reading, the NIV Teen Study Bible is as easy to read as it is to understand. Expertly designed specifically to be used for the New International Version (NIV) text, Comfort Print offers an easier reading experience that complements the most widely read modern-English Bible translation.


  • Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
  • "We Believe" features unpack the Apostles' Creed to reveal the biblical foundation of faith
  • "Panorama" features keep the big picture of each book of the Bible in view
  • Topical indexes help with in-depth Bible study
  • Book introductions provide an overview for each book of the Bible
  • Important Bible verses to memorize
  • Q and A's test your Bible knowledge
  • Profiles of people in the Bible
  • A presentation page and information about the Apostles' Creed
  • 8-page full-color map section
  • Biblical advice about friends, family, school, and other issues
  • Satin ribbon marker
  • Exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface
  • 9.5-point print size