Grief & Loss
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The Well Bookstore is open for in-person shopping Tuesday thru Thursday 9am-2pm and Sunday from 8:30am-12:45pm (curbside pickup not available). All orders placed online or over the phone after noon on Thursdays will not be processed until the following Tuesday.
With vulnerability and honesty, Jerry Sittser walks through his own grief and loss to show that new life is possible--one marked by spiritual depth, joy, compassion, and a deeper appreciation of simple and ordinary gifts. This 25th anniversary edition features a new introduction and two additional chapters, one which provides help for pastors and counselors.
Loss came suddenly for Jerry Sittser. In an instant, a tragic car accident claimed three generations of his family: his mother, his wife, and his young daughter. While most of us will not experience such a catastrophic loss in our lifetime, all of us will face some kind of loss in life. But we can, if we choose, know the grace that transforms us.
Whether your suffering has come in the form of chronic illness, disability, divorce, unemployment, crushing disappointment, or the loss of someone you love, Sittser will help you put your thoughts into words in a way that will guide you deeper into your own healing process.
This revised edition of A Grace Disguised plumbs the depths of our sorrows, asks questions many people are afraid to ask, and provides hope in its answers:
The circumstances are not important; what we do with those circumstances is. In coming to the end of ourselves, we can come to the beginning of a new life.
Losing a loved one is wrenching, and, in times of grief, wordy reading on healing offers little solace. In ABCs of Healthy Grieving, nationally recognized grief educator Harold Ivan Smith combines over twenty-five years of professional experience into seventy-two brief suggestions that treat particular aspects of living with grief day to day. Each suggestion starts with a letter of the alphabet and ends with an "I can" statement that offers both realistic hope and a goal toward which to strive. Readers can read ABCs of Healthy Grieving cover to cover or choose a single topic to help them through each day.
Daring to Dance Again: Pearls of Wisdom for a Soul-Filled Life is a compilation of personal stories - sad and joyful, painful and funny. They are also universal stories that speak to our common humanity. The stories embrace our fallibilities and our weaknesses. They show us at our lowest moments. They also shine a light, showing the way. The author hopes these stories, in some small way, will help others embrace God and His heavenly and earth angels who are there to lift us up.
Life is full of journeys that we did not choose to make. Some journeys - divorce, cancer, death - choose us. They test our faith. Yet it is faith, along with the love of others that save us.
Each chapter of Daring to Dance Again will elicit different emotions, and each chapter concludes with "A Pearl of Wisdom," a bit of inspiration the author has gleaned from her life. Together these stories will resonate with readers who have dealt with divorce, grief, and loss, a serious illness, or any other challenge in life. And it will leave them with a renewed faith in God and a sense of hope.
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf is a warm and thought-provoking story and both children and adults will be deeply touched by this inspiring book. This 20th anniversary edition of this beloved classic has helped thousands of people come to grips with life and death.
In his counseling work, Harold Ivan Smith has heard all the questions - even the most obscure, personal, and difficult ones - that occur to grievers as they process their loss. Here he compiles more than 150 common questions, explores the emotions behind them, and provides clear and forthright responses. Whether readers find the answers they seek, new perspectives to ponder, or comfort from knowing that others ask similar questions, this valuable resource will guide individuals who are in the midst of grief and those who wish to provide comfort.