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Please note our hours have been adjusted. Please see below for details.

The Well Bookstore is open for in-person shopping Tuesday thru Thursday 9am-2pm and Sunday from 8:30am-12:45pm (curbside pickup not available). All orders placed online or over the phone after noon on Thursdays will not be processed until the following Tuesday.

How Not to Save the World

How Not to Save the World

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A Publisher's Weekly and ECPA bestseller

A practical, straightforward guide for Christ-followers who want to talk about Jesus without feeling weird or pushy.

Ten years ago, Hosanna Wong packed her life into suitcases and started traveling the country to talk to people about Jesus. She quickly discovered lies she had believed that held her back from actually sharing God's love.

It turns out, believing lies that you're not enough, your story doesn't matter, and there's no way for you to make an impact... that's how not to save the world.

Through faithfully studying God's Word and fumbling through her own flawed progress, Hosanna uncovered what the Bible says about revealing God's love in our everyday lives.

With honesty and humor, Hosanna will help you:

  • Embrace your unique story to naturally talk about Jesus through your real life and authentic relationships;
  • Discover the three most effective steps to take when fighting for a loved one who is in a tough place;
  • Overcome the lies that hold you back so you can step into your calling and empower people to encounter God.
  • It turns out, you can naturally share God's love in your everyday life. You can fight for those you love, and a world Jesus loves. There is a way for every person you know to realize how valuable they are to God. You've been created for it, equipped for it, and you're ready for it. Let's go!

    In A Proven Experiment - The Shepherd's Center Story

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    In the Grip of Grace

    In the Grip of Grace

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    Exchange the pressure of accomplishment for the peace of God's grace

    When the world demands: achieve, succeed, earn, God says: lean on me, trust me, believe me.

    That is grace. And that is what God offers: unconditional acceptance of a believing heart. Your heavenly Father loves you enough to hold you in his grace.

    Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado will help you

  • release a false sense of self-sufficiency.
  • rest in God's unbending and unending gift of grace.
  • remember that God is for you and will carry you through every circumstance.
  • Today, leap from the cliff of self-sufficiency and land in the strong arms of the Father who loves you . . . the Father who catches you--every time--in the grip of his grace.

    Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others

    Jesus Creed: Loving God, Loving Others

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    For the 15th anniversary of The Jesus Creed, Scot McKnight offers a fresh edition of this life-giving classic with a new introduction and the foreword by John Ortberg

    With more than 50,000 copies sold, The Jesus Creed is Scot McKnight's bestselling book, a remarkable summary of what biblical Christianity is at its core: Loving God and Loving Others. It fosters a practical understanding, appreciation of and application of Christian formation in grace and love toward God and Neighbor.

    Jesus Unchained: How to Rise Above the Agendas, Find Peace, and Be Set Free

    Jesus Unchained: How to Rise Above the Agendas, Find Peace, and Be Set Free

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    Jesus Unchained is a book about Jesus in his culture and context. It challenges us to stop making an idol out of Jesus and gives us a fuller picture of who he really is. Jesus Unchained will point us back to the true Jesus and inspire a faith that transcends politics, religion, and even our deepest questions about God.

    Kingdom Moments and Movements, A Daring How -To Guide for Launching Spark of Heaven

    Kingdom Moments and Movements, A Daring How -To Guide for Launching Spark of Heaven

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    Do you rush from one day to the next, barely stopping to enjoy the goodness of God in your life?

    Do you want to believe your life matters...but if you're honest, you feel like God has forgotten about you?

    Do you ever feel like you've blown it - like you've missed your moment or messed up God's plan?

    Kingdom Moments and Movements is your guide to tracing the hand of God at work in each moment of your life - the everyday moments and the life-defining ones, the good ones and the bad.

    As you learn how to pay attention to the invitations of God intersecting with your day-to-day life, you will gain a fresh perspective on the significance of your life and develop the discernment to:

     Map Your Past: Pause to notice God's gracious presence in your past, helping you connect the dots of your story, be reassured that nothing has happened by accident, and release shame, fear, and regret around missed opportunities.

     Maximize Today and Tomorrow: Tune into the ways the Kingdom intersects with your everyday life, so you can uncover your purpose, maximize your moments, and turn them into movements of God.

    Whether you're in a transformational moment - those turning points that change everything - or the rhythms of going to work and raising a family, Kingdom Moments and Movements will help you see divine sparks everywhere you look, so you can savor each day, say "yes" to God-sent moments, and truly live life to the fullest - without regret and connected to your Kingdom purpose.

    Multiplying Love

    Multiplying Love

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    A Vision of United Methodist Life Together. Our world needs love during these desperate days of radical polarization and division. Our United Methodist churches yearn to embrace love more completely because God first loved us. Our "faith" (including doctrine) is important; Christian "hope" (including renewal) is important; "love" of God and neighbor is more important. Multiplying Love underscores what matters most and stands in contrast to divisive misreadings of essential Methodist teachings. Chilcote helps us embrace anew the Wesleyan vision of love of Jesus as central to what we believe and how we live. When I finished Multiplying Love, I found myself jumping up and down shouting, "Yes, yes, yes! Gosh, do we need this!" We are at a remaking moment in the church. Dr. Chilcote beautifully articulates the deeper theological vision that beckons and sustains us. Multiplying Love helped me more thoroughly embrace the kind of loving people we are hoping to become. That's what it's all about to me, and this book nails it! --Rev. Christy Allen Holden, co-creator of The Channel UMC, a new hybrid community of faith (@christyallenholden) Every United Methodist pastor would do well to invite their church council to read Paul Chilcote's brief and powerful Multiplying Love. It recalls the power of the Wesleyan approach to the gospel and makes a compelling case for the future of The United Methodist Church. I loved this book! --Rev. Adam Hamilton, Kansas pastor and author of Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith
    On Purpose- Finding God's Voice in Your Passion

    On Purpose- Finding God's Voice in Your Passion

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    Be part of something more. We are hungry for a sense of purpose, direction, and calling in our lives. That's as basic an ingredient to the human experience as they come. We want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We want to participate in something that has eternal merit and lasting impact. We do not want to live a shallow, hollow existence. We yearn for deeper meaning, for deeper purpose within our lives. We want to be more than we are. In On Purpose: Finding God's Voice in Your Passion, authors Magrey deVega, Sam McGlothlin, Jevon Caldwell-Gross, and Susan Robb help us see God's purpose for our lives, how to open ourselves to God's voice, and how to take the first or next step to follow God's call. Reading this book and exploring life choices alongside others, individuals will learn how to channel their passions, hear God's voice, and live the life they were meant to live. To support reading in a group, resources including a full leader's guide and DVD with four teaching sessions are also available.
    One Thousand Gifts 10th Anniversary Edition: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are (Anniversary)

    One Thousand Gifts 10th Anniversary Edition: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are (Anniversary)

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    In this beautiful tenth anniversary edition of her bestselling book, ?New York Times?bestselling author Ann Voskamp invites you to embrace everyday blessings and embark on the transformative journey of chronicling God's gifts and grace. With more than 1.5 million copies sold, Ann shows you how to tap into a pattern of gratitude that continues to change lives.

    How can you find joy in the midst of deadlines, debt, drama, and even the death of loved ones? What does the Christ-life really look like when your days are gritty, long, and sometimes even dark? How is God even here?

    "It is in the dark that God is passing by . . . our lives shake not because God has abandoned but the exact opposite. God is passing by. God is in the tremors. Dark is the holiest ground, the glory passing by. In the blackest, God is closest, at work, forging His perfect and right will. Though it is black and we can't see and our world seems to be free-falling and we feel utterly alone, Christ is most present to us..."

    In One Thousand Gifts, Ann Voskamp invites you to discover a way of seeing that opens your eyes to ordinary amazing grace, a way of living that is fully alive, and a way of becoming present to God that brings deep and lasting joy. It's only in the expression of gratitude for the life we already have, we discover the life we've always wanted . . . a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. Come to feel and know the impossible right down in your bones: you are wildly loved by God.

    A new introduction and ribbon marker enhances this beautiful tenth anniversary edition. As Ann invites you into her own beautiful, heart-aching moments of amazing grace, she gently teaches you how to:

  • Biblically lament loss and turn pain into poetry
  • Intentionally embrace a lifestyle of radical gratitude
  • Slow down and catch God in the moment
  • Not a book merely to read, One Thousand Gifts is an invitation to engage with truths that will serve up the depths of God's joy and transform your life forever. Leave pride, fear, and control behind, and abandon yourself to the God who overflows your cup.

    One Week Bible CEB: Scripture Summarizing the Holy Bible

    One Week Bible CEB: Scripture Summarizing the Holy Bible

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    Why read a paraphrased Summary of the Bible when you can read actual Scripture? In only seven days, reading ten to twenty minutes each day, gather a greater understanding of the Holy Bible.

    From the editor: "One Week Bible" is the only work I've seen of it's kind. Dr. Massingale concisely sheds light and clarity on Biblical principles in a personal manner that is easily attainable and relevant. The beauty of this survey is its simplicity. Dr. Massingale does not presume to deliver acamedic commentary which one can find from a number of other sources. Instead, he offers a summation of the word of God to laymen and points to the scriptures themselves as his sole inspiration rather than repackaging other perspectives. Readers can anticipate the book to be a companion to accompany and encourage them on their intimate walk with Christ. -Daniel Kennedy

    From the Xulon Press editorial staff: The author compiles an innovative summary of the Bible in an easy to access and organized format. The book includes useful prayers that encourage readers to utilize a variety of themes and reflect on verses as they meditate on scriptural content. The combination of the author's passion for Scripture, his education and conviction in the introduction will immediately inspire readers to explore this reference tool.

    Additional Features Include:
  • Author Inspiration
  • A Brief History of English Bible Translations
  • Plan of Salvation
  • Why Can We Believe the Bible (new)
  • CEB Footnotes (new)
  • Bible Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
  • Suggestions for Further Study